The Rockin' Sista

The Rockin' Sista
"Hmm...what can I get into now?"

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's Saturday Morning and My Butt's Too Big!

Spring usually isn't a big time to me. I've lived in Florida and Louisiana and spring usually can be measured in minutes before it melts into the eventual heat of summer. I like that.

But the past few years, I've been living in Chicago and here, spring is a big deal. That ugly gun metal gray sky loosens it's grip and on a few days, you can see blue sky and a few rays of sunshine. SUNSHINE?? Wow, I almost forgot what that is! You actually have a few days where it's not actually scary to go outside for a while.

You know, during the winter here when it's colder than a welldigger's you-know-what and the wind is blowing and there is snow really don't want to go out unless you have to. I remember those mornings trudging to the bus stop trying to get to work and the string of obscenities I let loose when the bus flew by just as I was getting close. That meant I had to stand out there for 10 to 20 minutes freezing. Grrr.

I get mean when my toes freeze and I hate it when my nose and ears start to go numb. I don't understand that cold that literally takes your breath from you and it feels like needles when you breath it in. I hate the wind blowing. I hate the snow. Let's face it, I just hate winter!

This morning,  I went to put on a pair of jeans and they were too tight. First I checked to make sure they were really MY jeans and that a demon hadn't switched them with a skinny girl. Then I looked in the closet to see if I could figure out why all my clothes had shrunk. The answer came to me as I passed the mirror. I shrieked in horror at the butt on that woman in the mirror because I realized that woman is me and that big butt is mine as is that stomach. Oh horrors! So that means that this spring is going to have to be different. I have to get busy.

See, sitting around, feeling sorry for yourself and putting things off till tomorrow apparently isn't good for the butt. I spent a few months in and out of depression and staying inside and now I have this big butt! So now I have to go outside because now I have to walk for exercise to get rid of the offending rear end.

Ah, are so cruel....

1 comment:

  1. it really is a mess right now, i'm back to wearing my big winter coat! and my daffodils are coming up, mocking me and saying "na nee na nee ha ha"! lol
